"Those were hard things for me to come by, and I offer them to you for what they may be worth." - Toby Wolff

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Day Darning


In my mind
I can see a hand
stitching, like my grandmother's,
her weary eyes squinting
in concentrated effort.

The thimble makes the slightest
yet completely satisfying
rhythmically against the needle’s eye.

I fear there’s not enough line to finish
and there will be one too many knots
and stops and starts and tired tired tired.
Yet the thread pirouettes,
reversing with the same planted spaces,
familiar X patterning coming to roost
along the hopeless halves of a torn dream
surgically reuniting
whether they like it or not.

In my mind
I have the power…
my grandmother's chalky bones
scattered somewhere,
into an intravenous potion
injectable through that needle

darning a broken heart
that will not mend.


  1. and as you know, it takes time. there's always going to be left, and undesired knot misplaced. you see it, want to go back and untie it but you don't want to go back. we sometimes have to accept that untidy knot as, now, part of the aesthetic, the whole of us.

    well penned. hope your slowly getting untied


    1. I never saw these comments until today! Over a year ago! Who knew. Anyway, I am almost untied. Lots of therapy you know...but I have done much healing and life is good :) Hope you are well Marcoantonio!

  2. I see you healing...I see your heart mended...Beautiful write, my Annie. xo

  3. and if the line's a bit show? i still think you have what you need to keep that good worthy heart in one piece.

    i am delighted to see you back here. delighted. delighted!

  4. Ms. Wine,,, Such a wonderful arrangement of words. Folks see you in each one. You have "stitched" together a pattern, laced with many "knots that" will not come undone...

    1. How are you Mr. Glen? Been so long....I rarely pass this way. Life is so busy but so good. Wish I had more time. But I always hope you are all still here when I come to visit :)

  5. You've always been a great healer

  6. Annie,

    We both stopped blogging around the same time. I wonder how you are?


    1. Hey you! I am great thanks! At peace and very calm. Who'd a thunk? Still in therapy, but working through the warts and for the most part things are smooth. How are you? I seemed to have missed your comment, along with everyone else. It's been over a year since I was here and now, here...maybe...you still are. How is your life?

      ~ Annie


Thank you for listening.