"Those were hard things for me to come by, and I offer them to you for what they may be worth." - Toby Wolff

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Politics of Peace

I found the one sunny spot
in a yard, long with gray.
Sitting here, the warmth envelops me
as if nature had the arms of a mother.

The fountain bubbles on
practically frothing with intel,
spouting tall tales of long fish
as the starving minnows gather
for tidbits and trivia, peddled as evening news.

Crows hold heated debates
that course through me in stereo
right ear, left ear, right, left, wing.
Politics was never really very clear
and I haven't the temperament to care
not with the sun...just so,
the air ripe with nurture and the lettuce pushing up
as proud and determined as any armed guard.

I leave you the city
if you'll just leave me the yard love!
Everything we built, all the structure
the inroads paved, the fortune...
the square footage, and our four high top bar stools.
Consider them bequeathed.

I've never really asked for a single thing
that came from the part of me that so needed to make requests,
but I'll give you everything that came with this nomination,
Your Honor.
Just leave me the garden.


  1. Annie,

    The politics of everything slows me down. Nature will always have the arms of the mother. Hope you are doing good.

    1. I HATE politics. I'm doing okay Manik!

  2. I am feeling the sun and hearing the crows and knowing in just a few weeks I will be sitting there, except for the lettuce...might miss it this this year, as the garden is still filled with snow. Not sure the early crops will get planted.

    1. Can you send some of that snow to California? I fear I will be watering my garden with my dish water soon :( Had my first bowl of lettuce from the yard. So darn good! Hope you can manage some.

  3. Enjoyed… What brings peace is all that really has any real worth…

  4. Swoon! Wow, Annie! I soooo love this poem. You've nailed nature, love & world peace in a back yard garden. My soul-friend! Thanks for sharing this. It made my day...a perfect poem. xo

    1. I wrote this poem sitting in a lovely yard after binge watching House of Cards! Those politicians are so evil, but it's intriguing to watch. Glad you liked it my Dragonfly Queen!

  5. Ha! I love House of Cards, too. Robin Wright rocks! 😘😘 xo

  6. I love the mixture here. I'm in a poetry writing workshop right now. We're writing to commemorate the 70-year anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. I'm so NOT political and it has been difficult to write (as if what I think matters). This poem is so refreshing and honest. I'm a little inspired.

  7. yep, I hate winter,,yep glad the "green" is growing,,,yep, just back for annual camping trip,,,,,yep, big fire,,,,,,yep......:) (hope you are doing good Ms. Wine)..

  8. Priceless, even more so that I know the need...


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